Who's Going Public? Cannabis IPOs in 2019 Part 4

Jason Williams

Posted January 18, 2019

Welcome back to part four of our series on the cannabis IPOs you can anticipate in 2019!

So far, we’ve covered Magical Butter, a company that’s revolutionized cannabis cookware. We learned about the deals that created cannabis giant Verano Holdings.

And last week, I let you in on three more private companies spanning the whole cannabis market from cultivation to counter.

Dr. Kerklaan is all about helping people heal with natural CBD extracts. Raw Gardens keeps its supply chain small so only the best cannabis oils make its vapor cartridges. And Attis Trading has an old playbook from the Emerald Triangle keeping its cannabis a cut above the rest.

This week, I’ve got two more for you…

One is a U.S.-based company you’ve all already heard of but probably had no idea is looking to go public. The other is a natural healing company that combines the therapeutic powers of cannabis with other plant-based ingredients.

Nature’s Finest

Let’s do the logical thing and start with the second company.

Cannalife Botanicals is a Vancouver-based cannabis company. In case you’re wondering, botanicals are substances obtained from plants and used as additives. You might have had a soak in botanicals and Epsom salt. Or you may have used botanical makeup or soap.

Those are the kinds of products this company makes… but also infused with cannabis extracts. And not limited to bath products, either.

The company offers lines of topical lotions and balms, from skin soothing and stress relieving to muscle rubs for after a long day’s work. And it’s got plenty of bath and body products like soaps, scrubs, cleansers, and soaks.

But it also offers lines of natural botanical supplements for treating nearly every illness you can think of from headaches to a messed-up gut.

And you don’t have to get high from the products. The folks running this place are all about the medicinal side of cannabis. So the company offers full lines of CBD-infused products as well.

Oh, and if your pet is having some issues and you’d like to get it on a more natural health care regimen, Cannalife has a complete line of pet care products, too.

Now, this isn’t an American company. But with stores all over British Columbia, it’s just a stone’s throw from lucrative markets in Washington State, Oregon, and California.

And it’s been acquiring leading brands all over North America. So it’s got a good foundation to make a move south.

There’s still a lot of work to be done before hitting the big stage, though. So don’t expect the IPO until the second half of the year.

It’s, Like, Power to the People, Man

This next company is one you’ve definitely heard about. It was founded back in 1974, and it’s been described as the “original voice in cannabis.”

I’m talking about every stoner’s favorite pinup magazine, High Times.

And in a move you’d expect from the hippies that decided to make a monthly magazine all about pot, it’s got a grassroots plan to go public.

Remember the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012? What about if I call it the JOBS Act? Sound familiar now?

Well, Title IV of that act included a regulation — regulation A+ — that allowed small companies to raise money from non-accredited investors. You likely know it as crowdfunding.

This pretty much democratized the once-exclusive world of private investment.

So that’s how High Times plans to go public. It’s offering shares to everyone at $11 each. And it’s already applied to get listed on several exchanges.

Pretty groovy, right? Cutting the investment banks out of the deal so just the people get to profit from it.

But the thing is, cannabis legalization is right around the corner. And the biggest thing High Times had going for it was the mystique of the illegal plants.

Now, you can grow your own beautiful specimens in many states. And if you want to see lots of weed, you can go to a dispensary.

The brand name is probably worth something. As are the Cannabis Cup events. But the company is trying to raise $50 million and having a lot of trouble. So far, it’s raised about $12 million. And it needs at least $14.7 million to get listed on the Nasdaq.

Plus, it’s had to postpone its IPO date a couple times now due to lack of interest in the shares. So I’m not really sure I’d recommend this one.

It may see a pop thanks to the news coverage and name recognition. But I don’t see that lasting long. And I certainly don’t see it holding onto that $11 a share handle.

Public and Profitable

If you’re looking for a cannabis investment you can make that’s guaranteed to get you paid, you don’t need to wait for any IPOs.

I’ve been researching the cannabis industry for years now. And I’ve bagged more than a handful of home runs thanks to being early to the party.

But I’m not just worried about making money for myself. If that were the case, you can bet I’d have stayed at Morgan Stanley and grinded my way to multimillion-dollar bonuses.

I want to help other people. I want to help you. And that’s why I left Wall Street and investment banking. I left so I could put all my time into researching and sharing the life-changing investments I was finding for myself and for the bank.

And this is a life-changing opportunity to say the least. Members of my investing community The Wealth Advisory have more than doubled their money already. But the profits are nowhere near over…

In fact, in the three short weeks of 2019, shares are already up over 20%. And that’s just the beginning.

Thanks to its early position in the industry, this company is poised to absolutely explode when full-scale cannabis legalization hits.

And thanks to the special, hands-off way it does business, it’s one of the only companies that’s legally allowed to operate in multiple states under the same license.

Plus, it guarantees to share at least 90% of every dollar it makes from its cannabis business with shareholders. Good luck finding another pot company willing to promise that.

So, if you’re interested in becoming an early investor and raking in those monstrous profits, stay away from High Times. And don’t wait for these other IPOs.

I’ve got the perfect investment for you. It’s shown how profitable it can be. And it’s been public for years. It’s just not flashy enough to have caught the media’s attention… yet.

You can learn everything you need to know in this presentation. Or you can read about it in this report. However you digest the information, don’t delay.

You need to get in on this before the rest of the investing public finds out. Otherwise, the rush to get in is going to drive shares through the roof and you’re going to miss out again.

Coming Next Week in Part Five

That’s it from me for today. But make sure you keep an eye out. I’ll be back next week with another company that’s planning to make its debut within the next few weeks.

I’m actually flying out to see its Latin American operations next weekend. But I want you to have the information I’ve already got before I go.

And when I return — or while I’m there, if the cell service is decent — I’ll let you know all the juicy details of my site visits.

In the meantime, whet your appetite for pot profits with my personal favorite cannabis stock.

To your wealth,

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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